Surviving unspeakable loss has made Dr. Angela Hermana better teacher, mentor and human being. When Dr. Angela Herman joined the Wilmington University faculty full-time in…
Incoming WilmU freshman Alexis Webb got a head start on college. In fact, she completed a semester’s worth of classes before joining most of her…
After an overnight move from Pennsylvania to Charlotte, alumna Caitlyn Eckles formed what is now a thriving franchising enterprise. Caitlyn “Kat” Eckles is into —…
A DBA alumnus is helping to inspire change that could save lives. Dr. Christopher Boyer admits that public service is in his genes. Many of…
Intense workshops, faculty awards and promotions and student testimonials were all part of Wilmington University’s Spring Faculty Development Day on March 10. Themed “Celebrating Fabulous…
WilmU’s Online and Educational Technology staff redesigned an e-learning course to be more efficient and convenient for new students. Blackboard is the online learning platform…
Judy Hutt is passionate about helping others. She works with women in prison to develop the life skills they need to become productive members of…
Designing the cover of the Delaware Business Times 2018 Book of Lists gave three Wilmington University Media Design students an intimate look at the world…
What’s causing some lifespans to be shortened by up to 20 years? An insidious virus? A drug-resistant strain of bacteria? Would you be surprised to…
“Grateful and blessed,” Geneva Fonda has achieved multiple milestones while extolling the virtues of WilmU — “my school.” The last year-and-a-half has been a blur…