Katie Warrington Hugelmeyer: First individual Wildcat in the CACC Hall of Fame

Fortunately, the phone call came during a lull in the full-time job of raising her two preschoolers. Still, Katie Warrington Hugelmeyer almost didn’t answer it.  “It was so out-of-the-blue,” she says. “I was like, who is this number from Connecticut calling me?” Turns out it was the commissioner of the Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (CACC), calling to tell Hugelmeyer that…
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Haley Downin: Officially Elite

Anyone connected with the Wilmington University softball program over the past four years has known that Haley Downin is elite. Now, it’s official. Last May, Downin received the NCAA Elite 90 Award, which honors the student-athlete with the highest cumulative…