Students in Wilmington University’s Family Nurse Practitioner program are helping to bring primary care to Smith Island, an isolated jot of land in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, where Dr. Aaron Sebach, dean of the College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences, regularly leads trips that provide a unique rural health experience.
Now, that initiative has expanded to include Natural Sciences students. Dr. Sebach accompanied Dr. Esosa Iriowen, Natural Sciences chair, and students Samantha Kidwell and Jacob Botterbusch to the remote island, accessible only by a 45-minute boat ride. There are no grocery stores, pharmacies, or medical offices to serve the island’s 200 residents.
“Smith Island boasts a rich history and is a fertile learning environment for students in multiple disciplines,” Dr. Sebach says.
The team visited all three provinces, learned about the wildlife and environment, toured a soft-shell crab shanty, and met with island residents.
“The visit to Smith Island was beyond enjoyable, creating memories that will forever live in our hearts,” Dr. Iriowen says.
— Eileen Smith Dallabrida