A Highly Credentialed Nurse and Student

Published on April 10, 2024
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Published on
April 10, 2024
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Casey Green

MSN Leadership student Casey Green became the 85th nurse to  hold all five Emergency Nursing Certifications from the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing. She was also named section editor of the Journal of Emergency Nursing’s “Early Career Emergency Nurse Corner” and the College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences’ first Exceptional Nursing Student DAISY Award recipient.

“Casey is a consummate nurse, leader, advocate, and educator,” says College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences (COHPNS) Dean Dr. Aaron M. Sebach. “Her dedication and passion for emergency and critical nursing is remarkable and evidenced by her multiple post-nominal credentials. We are proud of Casey.”

“One of the most difficult parts was finding the time to study around work,” she says. “I discovered that if I tried to apply something I learned to my shifts at work, the knowledge would stick better, and I would add more to my practice. Each exam was very difficult and pass rates across the exams were less than 60%.”

“Her dedication and passion for emergency and critical nursing is remarkable and evidenced by her multiple post-nominal credentials. We are proud of Casey.” Dr. Aaron M. Sebach, Dean of the College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences

Green is thrilled to have chosen WilmU. “I have learned so much about nursing, leadership, education, how to provide even better patient care, and how to become a global leader in nursing. Every assessment, paper, and discussion board are enlightening and add so much to my current practice as a nurse leader.” 

She isn’t the first WilmU student in the family. “My husband’s aunt and my mentor both graduated from the Wilmington’s COHPNS,” she says. “I can’t wait to follow in their footsteps.”

—Maria Hess