News at WilmU

WilmU A Leader in Human Trafficking Awareness

Wilmington University is a leader in human trafficking studies and awareness, with monthly webinars that attract a global audience.

Begun during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the webinars soon began attracting a large audience. “The webinars have become their own thing. We get people from around the world and six foreign companies,” says Dr. Johanna Bishop, director, Behavioral Science Programs.

Dr. Bishop leads human trafficking education and awareness initiatives at WilmU. She recently earned a Certificate in Trauma Response and Crisis Intervention from the School of Social Work Continuing Education program at Rutgers University. The certificate required 15 interactive online courses on such topics as violence against women in diverse populations, treatment of adult survivors of child sexual abuse, and understanding vicarious trauma and vicarious resilience.

“Learning more about trauma and crisis management gave me insights as to identifying gaps in knowledge,” she says. “What else do we need to share?”

“Learning more about trauma and crisis management gave me insights as to identifying gaps in knowledge.” — Dr. Johanna Bishop

WilmU will bring together human service specialists, academics, law enforcement, legal professionals, nurses and survivors for Disrupting Human Trafficking: Organizing Community Response, a day-long conference on Oct. 5. In addition to face-to-face presentations, there will be livestreaming for all 22 breakout sessions.

Dr. Bishop notes that a growing number of teachers are seeking education in recognizing signs that children in their classrooms are being exploited.

“There are kids in schools who are being trafficked and teachers have no way of knowing,” she says. “Trafficked children are not always kidnapped. Most are groomed and tricked by their abusers, who are sometimes their parents. We’re helping to raise awareness of that.”

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