10 Ways to Earn College Credit for What You Have Already Done

Published on October 7, 2022
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Published on
October 7, 2022
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Why pay to learn what you already know? At Wilmington University, you don’t have to.   

Many students arrive at WilmU with a plethora of knowledge and skills from previous experiences. It is usually a surprise when they realize that those experiences can turn into academic credits, which means less time and money needed to earn a degree. 

If it sounds too good to be true, we’ve got good news for you. Whether through college courses, certifications, or military experience, your prior learning experiences can work for you. Here are 10 ways to earn credit at WilmU for work you havealready done.  

  1. College courses and credits.
    Have you ever attended another university or community college? If so, you can apply up to 90 academic credits towards a WilmU associate or bachelor’s degree program. In most cases, those credits do not expire, and you can use them to achieve your educational goals. Visit our Credit Transfer Tool to view a list of previously evaluated courses for transfer into our degree programs. 
  2. Standardized tests and exams.
    You studied and took the test; now it’s time to let it work for you! WilmU accepts credit for standardized tests and exams, including Advancement Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST), and UExcel Exams. 
  3. Portfolio assessment.
    A portfolio assessment is a way to challenge a course you feel you already possess the knowledge of. By submitting your resume and any documents you think will demonstrate your understanding of the material, you can gain credit and skip courses to fast-track your degree pathway. 
  4. Industry-recognized certifications and licenses.
    At WilmU, we know it takes time and effort to earn certifications and licenses. That’s why we recognize these credentials and accept them as academic credit, including Certified Food and Beverage Executive (CFBE), Professional Certified Investigator (PCI), ITF+ Certification, Real Estate Broker License, and Project Management Professional (PMP). View a complete list of approved certifications, licenses, and credentials to see how these types of prior learning can work for you. 
  5. Military training and experiences.
    If you serve or have served your country, that training and experience are priceless. As a Military Friendly School, WilmU accepts credit for military training by evaluating transcripts from the Joint Services Transcripts and the Community College of the Air Force. Learn more about military benefits at WilmU.  
  6. Work-based experience
    Another way to earn academic credit is for training and education you have received at your workplace, past or present. WilmU honors credit recommendations decided by organizations like the American Council on Education (ACE) and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) to award students credit for non-traditional college-level learning. 
  7. Workplace training.
    Like work-based experience, WilmU awards credit for workplace training like police academy, first responder, and advanced skills training. Workplace training is another way your prior learning experiences help you achieve your educational goals! 
  8. Cooperative Education (Co-Op) and Internships
    If you have completed a co-op program or a paid, unpaid, or stipend-only internship, you can earn credit for that experience. These hands-on opportunities provide a better understanding of the relationship between theoretical concepts and practical application, which, in turn, can be applied as academic credit for your degree program. 
  9. Delaware Pathways
    Have you completed a Delaware Pathway? Delaware Pathways are career-oriented Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs available at select high schools in Delaware. This experience can save you time and tuition while earning your associate or bachelor’s degree at WilmU. By completing a pathway, you can earn up to 18 academic credits and guaranteed admission to most of our 200+ accredited degree programs. Learn how WilmU works for Delaware Pathways
  10. Dual-Credit/Dual Admission High School Programs
    WilmU Pre-College programs are an opportunity for high-achieving high school students to experience what a college course is like while still attending high school. It’s a great way to earn college credit on-site at your high school or a WilmU location. The Early College Credit  program is offered at WilmU locations and online, while the Dual Enrollment program typically occurs directly at the high school campus. Both options are great ways to earn college credit while meeting high school graduation requirements.  

Want to learn more about credit for prior learning? Make the most of your transfer credits by visiting wilmu.edu/Transfer and wilmu.edu/PriorLearning.