MSN Alum Wins National Nurse Leadership Award

Published on
April 20, 2021 |
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Published on
April 20, 2021
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Flick holds flowers with colleagues

For making a positive impact in treating patients with substance abuse, Annamarie Flick, a nurse manager at ChristianaCare, was awarded the HealthImpact DAISY Nurse Leader Award in Policy.

She is one of only six award recipients nationwide to be recognized this year for leadership and advocacy in policy that advances compassionate care to improve health in communities and society.

She earned a Master of Science in Nursing Leadership at Wilmington University’s College of Health Professions. At ChristianaCare, she is working to turn the tide in the growing opioid epidemic and prevent violence against nurses and health care providers.

“Annamarie is guided by her steadfast vision of compassionate, empathetic, expert nursing care and better clinical outcomes for patients,” reads the nomination from ChristianaCare’s Professional Nurse Council. It also notes her ability in working with patients and families. “Annamarie deployed compassionate leadership and communication skills that lets those we serve know ‘we are here for you, we do not judge you, we want to help,’” the nomination reads.

As co-chair of the Advocacy Committee of the Delaware Nurses Association, Flick organized Nurses Speak, a 2020 event that brought together state nurses and legislators.

Photo: Christiana Care