News at WilmU

Student Interns From WilmU Gain A Significant Advantage

Hands type on a keyboard while cyber security icons float around

Besides on-the-job experience, student interns from Wilmington University gain a significant advantage in launching their careers. Lloyd Shoriwa, who completed three internships with PPL, a Fortune 500 utilities company, was offered a full-time position as an associate security analyst in December, when he completed his bachelor’s degree in Computer and Network Security.

Lloyd is a self-starter who had his first internship as a sophomore with Wawa, says Mark J. Hufe, director of Cyber Security Education and chair of CNS at the College of Technology. He also served as a member of the Student Government Association and was active in Junior Achievement Delaware.

“After one internship with PPL, they decided they wanted to see more and assigned Lloyd for a second internship with an entirely different group. Then there was a third internship with yet another group. Then they hired him,” he says.

His managers at the Allentown, Pennsylvania-based company were so impressed with Lloyd’s performance they met with Hufe and Shannon Jost of Career Services to discuss building a more robust internship program with WilmU.

“Lloyd really knocked it out of the park, representing the university well with a good work ethic, social skills and technical skills,” Hufe says.

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