News at WilmU

Re-scripting Video in a Time of Pandemic

Back of man's head as he films himself talking with his cell phone.

In a time of self-isolation and social distancing, adjuncts who teach video courses in the College of Technology are going to extraordinary lengths to move their classes online and provide students with meaningful instruction.

Several enterprising adjuncts have set up studios in their basements at home in order to teach online. Presentations have included such “hands-on” topics as demonstrating lighting techniques through Zoom video conferencing with students.

Students in Digital Film-Making 350 are traditionally responsible for a senior project that involves scouting, script breakdown, scheduling, and rehearsing a short film that is a maximum of 5 minutes in length. The students also shoot and edit the film.

But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students are not able to rehearse with cast members. Shooting on location is problematic due to stay-at-home policies.

The senior project has been adapted to suit the times, shifting more toward reality shows. Students are now working to complete short films about their experiences sheltering in place.

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