News at WilmU

Workshops focus on cybersecurity

The College of Technology, IT and Human Resources are collaborating to offer cybersecurity lunch-and-learn workshops.

Adjunct Professor Paul Graefe developed and taught the workshop to more than 25 faculty and staff in October. In his presentation, Graefe explained the benefits of password managers that keep users safer at home and work. He also introduced attendees to LastPass, a password management tool that offers ease-of-use and low cost, starting with a free version. Another topic of interest was backup practices to protect against ransomware.

The second event, in January, was live streamed to reach the broader WilmU community.

Woman using cell phone with password

“COT has been working with IT and HR to help increase information security awareness among faculty and staff,” says Mark Hufe, director of Cyber Security Education and chair of Computer and Network Security. “The lunch-and-learns focus on cyber-safe best practices at home. If people follow best practices at home, they are more likely to also do so in the workplace.”

Human Resource’s Karen Sheats and Jennifer Workman expressed interest in conducting encore presentations and another workshop  is in the planning phase. HR also would like to expand on cybersecurity topics, such as phishing and WiFi security.

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