DNP Project Focuses on Mothers-to-be

Most people benefit from a reminder when it comes to doing something that benefits their health.
That includes pregnant women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women receive the whooping cough or pertussis vaccine, known as the Tdap vaccine, during the third trimester of each pregnancy in order to pass along immunity to their babies.
Dr. Jessica Abernathy-Lenowitz, a women’s health nurse practitioner and certified nurse midwife, concludes that mothers-to-be are more likely to be vaccinated when their healthcare providers are reminded they are due for their Tdap inoculation through the patient’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR).
Her project for her Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) at Wilmington University was The Impact of EMR Provider Reminder for Tdap Vaccinations Among Pregnant Women. Today, she is an adjunct at WilmU.
As a student, she appreciated the opportunity to learn online and interact with others. Her positive experience as a student influenced her decision to teach and share what she has learned.
“I loved the online learning portion but also appreciated the scheduled go-to-meetings that were live and during the first week of class,” she says. “It allowed us to ‘meet’ our peers and instructors and clarify and questions in the syllabus.”