Effective Jan. 1, 2019, Dr. Anthony Carcillo was named dean of Wilmington University’s College of Technology (COT).

Dr. Anthony Carcillo
He had previously served as director of the COT’s graduate programs, as well as chair of its Technology Project Management program and assistant professor. He holds a BA in Organization Dynamics and an MA in Organization Leadership, both from Immaculata University. He earned his DBA from Wilmington University when he defended a dissertation titled The Impact of Project Management Maturity Upon IT/IS Project Management Outcomes.
Before embracing higher education, Dr. Carcillo worked for organizations such as AAA Mid-Atlantic, Sungard Availability Services, and Catholic Health Initiatives. His 20-plus years in the private sector prepared him for roles in leadership, management and technology.
Dr. Carcillo is a certified Project Management Professional and member of the Project Management Institute and Delaware InfraGard chapter. He also presented the topic of Fileless Malware to the Las Vegas Electronic Crimes Task Force, which aims to increase the resources, skills, and vision by which state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies team with prosecutors, private industry and academia to combat criminal activity.