News at WilmU

University Celebrates ‘Fabulous Faculty’

Intense workshops, faculty awards and promotions and student testimonials were all part of Wilmington University’s Spring Faculty Development Day on March 10.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Jim Wilson discusses the day with participants.

Themed “Celebrating Fabulous Faculty,” the day was a collaboration between the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) and the Faculty Senate Development Committee. Highlights included workshops for all adjuncts and a ceremony in which 13 received promotions, and six others received years of service awards.

The workshops focused on the Pathway to Instructional Excellence professional learning program, which was created by the CTE and Educational Technology. 

  “It was a very successful day,” says CTE Director Dr. Patricia Ramone. “There were over 400 participants, both online and on-campus.”

During the morning session, years of service awards went to adjunct professors Dr. Anthony DiGiacomo (37 years), Dr. James McFadden (39), Dr. James VanSciver (31), William Post (36), and adjunct faculty Maurice Egnor (16) and Jessica Blackwelder (18). 

Student testimonials and music were part of the lunchtime celebration, during which these adjuncts were promoted to professor: Dr. Jennifer Bennett, Dr. Holly Briel, Dr. Jacqueline Burgos-Cousin, Jeff Cousin, Barbara Danley, Dr. Carlos Escudero, Dr. Rebecca Richmond, Mary Ann Scarborough, Dr. David Silverman, Elizabeth Simonsen, Sherry Strobel, Scott Walton and Sharon Weaver. 

“Our faculty is comprised of talented practitioners with a passion for sharing their knowledge and skills,” Dr. Ramone says. “Individually and as a whole, they are committed to being transformative teachers and leaders who care deeply about their students and believe every student can succeed. This day was an opportunity for the University to honor these talented, creative and enthusiastic individuals.” WU

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