Dr. Milton Muldrow represented the state of Delaware, along with the Delaware Space Grant director, at the National NASA Space Grant conference in Washington, D.C. Prior to the conference, Dr. Muldrow visited the offices of U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, and U.S. Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester to promote Space Grant Funding, and discuss the importance of investing in the STEM pipeline to promote national prosperity for all Americans.
Wilmington University has been invited to become an Affiliate Institution in the IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Delaware INBRE) Foundation. Delaware INBRE is supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Institutional Development Award [NIH-NIGMS: P20 GM103446] and the state of Delaware.
The Delaware INBRE network is comprised of the lead institution, the University of Delaware; five partner institutions, Delaware State University, Delaware Technical Community College, Wesley College, Christiana Care Health System, and Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children; two affiliate institutions, The Wilmington VA Medical Center and Wilmington University; and one affiliate program, the Delaware BioScience Association.
One of the benefits to Wilmington University’s involvement is the research opportunities it will provide for our undergraduate students. WilmU students will have access to research scientists and science labs in the partner institutions; in fact, we may have a student in the queue for placement in summer 2018, and following that opportunity, we will share information about the experience and the results.